


公司用於製造EGF和bFGF的核心技術,是由黃允強教授所帶領的團隊在這三年間研發得到,並取得多項專利。黃允強教授於加拿大溫哥華UBC大學獲取博士學位後他獲聘任職於加拿大多倫多Allelix生物技術公司為研究科學家; 其後於1990年加盟香港科技大學擔任教授和研究工作。黃教授的發明成果,不單在著名的文獻刊登,它們還在美國、中國、內地、台灣及歐盟等地取得專利保護及獲頒發多個國際獎項。

經過超過30年的研發,黃教授的團隊得到 專有的生物系統及提純技術,可被應用在高效率地生產出兩個可令我們的皮膚再生及恢復活力的寶貴皮膚生長因子: (i)表皮生長因子EGF,和(ii)鹼性成纖維細胞生長因子bFGF。研發的努力 使我們成為全球第一組有能力生產出真實(Authentic)的EGF和bFGF,因此它們的結構是與人體生產的皮膚因子一模一樣。真實的EGF和bFGF 不單止可被安全地應用,而它們還具有高度的生物活性及穏定性; 因此,它們的使用會帶給用家高效率的成功回報。在另一方面, 我們擁有製造這兩個因子的專利權或獨家製作方法,配合這些知識產權的應用是高效率的製作成效。因此,珍誠所供應的EGF和bFGF比起其他供應商所提供的相同產品會相宜得多。最重要的是,它們在應用上非常安全和具有高度的生物活性及穩定性。最終它們應用的會替商品帶來高效率的成功效果。


黃允強教授          首席技術總監


透過先進的基因重組技術與精簡的提純程序,黃教授團隊成功地將真實和優質EGF和bFGF的製造成本大大降低; 從而方便用家將這兩個因子皮膚生長應用到美容護膚和醫學領域上。團隊在皮膚因子的商業開發在拓展生物技術於護膚美容的應用和產業上作出了重大貢獻。


Wong, W.K.R. (2020)

Wong, W.K.R., Ng, K.L. (2020) Means and method for enhancing growth of fish. Japanese patent No.: 6707441; Granted on May 22, 2020.

Wong, W.K.R. (2020) Means and method for expression of authentic human epidermal growth factor and/or basic fibroblast growth factor in cytoplasm and/or Culture Medium of Escherichia coli. Chinese Patent No. CN 105143451 B; Granted on 14 February 2020.

Wong, W.K.R. (2019)

Wong, W.K.R.,Hu, X.H., Ng, K.L. and Lam, C.C. (2019)  Methods and means for expression of authentic and bioactive basic fibroblast growth factor in Bacillus subtilis. Hong Kong Short-term Patent No. HK1255118; Granted on 2 Aug 2019.

Wong, W.K.R., Kwong, W. Y. (2019) Improved means and method for hyper-production of authentic human basic fibroblast growth factor in Escherichia coli. US Patent No. 10,273,520; Granted on April 30, 2019

Wong, W.K.R. (2018)

Wong, W.K.R., Hu, X.H., Ng, K.L. and Lam, C.C. (2018) Methods and means for expression of authentic and bioactive basic fibroblast growth factor in Bacillus subtilis. USA, China and Japan (under application).

Wong, W.K.R. (2018) Means and method for expression of authentic human epidermal growth factor and/or basic fibroblast growth factor in cytoplasm and/or culture medium of Escherichia coli Japan Patent No.6404901. Granted on 21 Sept 2018.

Wong, W.K.R. (2017)

Wong, W.K.R., Kwong, W. Y. (2017) Improved means and method for hyper-production of authentic human basic fibroblast growth factor in Escherichia coli. Hong Kong short-term patent No. HK1228651; Granted on November 3, 2017.

Wong, W.K.R. (2017) Means and method for expression of authentic human epidermal growth factor and/or basic fibroblast growth factor in cytoplasm and/or culture medium of Escherichia coli Hong Kong short-term patent No. HK1219200; Granted on March 24, 2017.

Wong, W.K.R. (2017) Means and method for expression of authentic human epidermal growth factor and/or basic fibroblast growth factor in cytoplasm and/or culture medium of Escherichia coli US Patent No. 9,580,484 B2; Granted on February 28, 2017.

Wong, W.K.R., Ng, K. L. (2017) Means and method for enhancing growth of fish. Hong Kong short-term patent No.: HK1218486; Granted on February 17, 2017.

Wong, W.K.R. (2015)

Wong, W.K.R. (2015) Means and methods for producing authentic human basic fibroblast growth factor. US Patent: 9,017,968 B2; Granted on 28 April 2015.

Wong, W.K.R. (2014)

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2014) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. German Patent 60346186.7; Granted on 18 Jun 2014.

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2014) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. PCT European Patent EP1482966B1; Granted on 14 May 2014.

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2014) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. United Kingdom Patent EP1482966; Granted on 14 May 2014.

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2014) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. French Patent EP1482966; Granted on 14 May 2014.

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2014) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. Hong Kong Patent HK1071525; Granted on 20 May 2014.

Wong, W.K.R. (2011)

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2011) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. Taiwan PCT National Phase Patent, Taiwanese Patent No.: I 348912. Granted on 11 Sep 2011

Wong, W.K.R. (2009)

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2009) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. China PCT National Phase Patent, Chinese Patent No. 3. Granted on 23 Dec 2009

Wong, W.K.R., Lam, K.H.E. and Tsang, M.W. (2009) Method and composition for treating skin wounds with epidermal growth factor. United States PCT National Phase Patent, US Patent No. 7,517,528 B2. Granted on 14 Apr 2009



Industry Advisor, “Certificate of Appointment” by Social Enterprise Research Academy


Asian Chinese Leader, to be awarded by Asian College of Knowledge Management,  21 July 2018, Hong Kong

Fellowship, awarded by Social Enterprise Research Academy, 5 May 2018, Hong Kong


Invited as a keynote speaker in the “International Conference on Genetics & Molecular Research”, May 22-24, 2017 at Dubai, UAE.


Golden Medical Award, awarded by Global Medical Discovery. Canada

The Manager of the year and the Best Enterprises in the field of biotechnology, awarded by Europe Business Assembly


“Certificate of Recognition” presented by the “International Conference on Targeting Diabetes and Novel Therapeutics” held on September 14-16 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Most Innovative Biotechnology Group, awarded by Hong Kong Mediazone.
Most Valuable Services Awards in Hong Kong 2015, awarded by Hong Kong Mediazone.



Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award, Nominated by HKUST

全球80位傑出華人企業家管理韬略與人文哲思,華商領軍者, awarded by 中國日報( China Daily) , 中國經濟出版社。


香港傑出商社領袖人物, awarded by 文匯 15 March 2013


Named as one of the  “中華愛國英才and a 4-page introduction was published in <中華愛國國典> 2012

Invited by the China Economic Trading Promotion Agency (CETPA) to be its representative in the biomedical sector to  present at the 6th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum in Bangkok, 3 May 3012
Most Respected Chinese Entrepreneur in Asia Pacific,
awarded by the China Economic Trading Promotion Agency (CETPA)


Most Promising Entrepreneurship Award Winner of the prestigious Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards, Hong Kong

Long Service Award,  awarded by HKUST


2008 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement Certificate of Merit. Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks
